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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Kellett family,
With the distribution of the first report cards comes the realization that many of our students are doing very well, and that some are not. In order to maximize the number of children doing their best, there is a great need for parent/teacher conferences. If your child is among those doing well, a parent conference is essential to keep them striving to be and do their very best. It is a time to share information that may offer insight into each child’s performance. If your child is among those not performing at their best either academically or behaviorally, a parent /teacher conference is urgently needed to get them on the right track. These conferences make us think deeply about children and what they are doing so that we can effectively help them to do better.
I know from personal experience that parent/teacher conferences can be nerve-wracking, but the benefits far outweigh the discomfort we may feel. After all, both you and the teacher want the same thing – whatever is in the best interests of your child. We acknowledge that no one knows your child better than you do. At the same time, we see them interact with others in large groups on a daily basis and have learned a few things about them well. We invite you to call and make an appointment to utilize one of the most powerful tools in both our toolboxes, the parent/teacher conference. Lynn Henderson, our Guidance Clerk, has a wonderful brochure about parent/teacher conferences, full of good information for parents about making them work like they should.
Please contact her via telephone, e-mail, or in person prior to your conference and she will make sure that you get this valuable brochure. Her e-mail is We look forward to seeing you and talking with you about your greatest treasure and our reason for existing, your child.

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