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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quality 4 Communicative

My favorite quote - Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people. William Butler Yeats

What is more common than a smart person who cannot communicate with others. All of the intellect in the world is of little use without the ability to communicate knowledge and ideas to others. Recently, we celebrated the birthday of perhaps the greatest American President in history, Abraham Lincoln. When you read Lincoln's words, you readily see a man with lofty ideas and uncommon vision. The power of his words comes from his ability to communicate those lofty ideas and uncommon vision to common, ordinary citizens. Take the Gettysburg Address or the Second Inaugural Address for example. Nothing ever written exemplifies common language used to such great effect as Lincoln did on those two occasions. With his lofty ideas, uncommon vision, and common language, he wrote and spoke with a beauty and power that rallied a nation through it's darkest hour. His unusual communication skills served him, and the nation, well.
Characteristics of communicative people;
1. They do not separate themselves from others. The more we understand, the more we care.
2. They make it easy for teammates to communicate with them. Most communication issues can be solved by proximity.
3. They follow the 24 Hour Rule and address difficulty within 24 hours.
4. They pay attention to difficult relationships.
5. They follow up in writing, keeping it clear and simple.
Improve communication by;
1. Being candid. Speak truthfully and kindly.
2. Be quick to address problems.
3. Be inclusive. If you can include others - do.
Good communication is not easy, but it pays big dividends to ourselves and to our teammates.

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