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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Movie Review - How Do You Know

I had high hopes for HDYK.  After all, its cast included Jack Nicholson, Reece Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, and others.  Nicholson is a genius and Reece Witherspoon is both talented and beautiful.  So how in the world did they come out with this mediocre movie that is shallower than your backyard creek.  The writing was awful, and the boom mike was visible sporadically throughout the movie.  It looked like the amateur hour for film school.  Don't misunderstand, Witherspoon is still gorgeous and Jack is still Jack, but the concept had so much potential that the average execution in making the movie seemed to produce a below average movie.  For what it's worth, save your $7.50 or see something else.  For us, the Tourist might be next.  After all, Johnny Depp is a genius and Angelina is beautiful and talented.  Hey!  Wait a minute.

1 comment:

  1. I miss going to the movies...I get to go about once a year. I send Paul by himself about 3 times a year for important SciFi films as a treat...but, oh to just go escape with some popcorn w/too much butter. :)
